
Enoxaparin Sodium

  • 4000 IU/ 0.4 ml (Pre-filled Syringe)
  • 6000 IU/ 0.6 ml (Pre-filled Syringe)
  • 8000 mg/ 0.8 ml (Pre-filled Syringe)


Enoxaparin is a low molecular weight heparin with a high anti-Xa activity and with a low anti-lla or anti- thrombin activity. At doses required for the various indications, Enoxaparin does not increase bleeding time. At preventive doses, Enoxaparin causes no notable modification of activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT). It neither influences platelet aggregation nor binding of fibrinogen to platelets. Enoxaparin is primarily metabolized in the liver.

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