WHO guidelines on mental health at work

The WHO guidelines on mental health at work was prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) Department of Mental Health and Substance Use and the Department of Health, Environment and Climate Change under the leadership of Dévora Kestel and Maria Neira, respectively. Responsible Technical Officer: Aiysha Malik, Mental Health Unit, Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, WHO.


WHO Steering Group members: Faten Ben Abdelaziz (Department of Health Promotion), Alex Butchart (Department of Social Determinants of Health), Alarcos Cieza (Department of Noncommunicable Diseases), Ivan Ivanov (Department of Health, Environment and Climate Change), Catherine Kane (Health Workforce Department), Hyo-Jeong Kim (Department of Health Emergency Interventions), Aiysha Malik (Department of Mental Health and Substance Use) and Juana Willumsen (Department of Health Promotion). The Steering Group was chaired by Mark van Ommeren (Department of Mental Health and Substance Use).


The authors would like to express our gratitude to: Rebekah Thomas-Boscoe from the WHO Guideline Review Committee Secretariat for her technical support throughout the guidelines development process; and Evelyn Finger and Anne Sikanda, from the Department of Mental Health Substance Use who provided crucial administrative support. WHO colleagues who provided inputs at various stages of development were: Florence Baingana (WHO Regional Office for Africa); Renato Oliveira e

Souza, Claudina Cayetano (Pan American Health Organization); Nazneen Anwar (WHO Country Office, Maldives); Khalid Saeed (WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean); Natalie Drew Bold, Kenneth Carswell, Alexandra Fleischmann (WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Use); and Martin Vandendyck (WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific).


Sincere appreciation is extended to the following consultantswho supported various technical aspects throughout the development: Aemal Akhtar (Denmark), Gergö Baranyi (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Chiara Gastaldon (Italy), Sherianne Kramer (South Africa), Georgia Michlig (United States of America), Susan Norris (USA), Davide Papola (Italy).

WHO acknowledges the technical contribution from colleagues of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and particularly Manal Azzi of ILO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland.


Guideline Development Group (GDG): WHO would like to thank the members of the GDG for their commitment, enthusiasm and expertise. The GDG members were: Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain), Mirai Chatterjee (Self-Employed Women’s Association, India), Capucine de Fouchier (Specialist in mental health and psychosocial support, Switzerland), Samuel Harvey (Black Dog institute, Australia), Hiroto Ito (Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan), Norito Kawakami

(The University of Tokyo, Japan), Nour Kik (National Mental Health Programme, Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon), Spo Kgalamono (National Institute for Occupational Health, South Africa), Margaret Kitt (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, USA), Anthony D. LaMontagne (Deakin

University, Australia), Sapna Mahajan (Genomics Canada, Canada), Kazem Malakouti (Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran), Karina Nielsen (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom), Pratap Sharan (All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India), Katherine Sorsdahl (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and Graham Thornicroft (Kings College London, United Kingdom).


Guideline methodologist: WHO extends tremendous gratitude to: Corrado Barbui, University of Verona, Italy. External Review Group (ERG): WHO is grateful for the contributions of the following individuals who provided peer-review of the draft guidelines: Atalay Alem (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia), Fabrice Althaus (International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland), Lamia Bouzgarrou

(University of Monastir, Tunisia), Marc Corbière (University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada), Premilla D’Cruz (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India), Carolyn Dewa (University of California, Davis, USA), Frida Marina Fischer (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Roshan Galvaan (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Nick Gloziervii (University of Sydney, Australia), Neil Greenberg (King’s College London, United Kingdom), Birgit Greiner (University College Cork, Ireland), Nadine Harker (South African Medical Research Council, South Africa), Nina Hedegaard Nielsen (Independent psychosocial risks expert, Denmark), Ehimare Iden (Occupational Health and Safety Managers, Nigeria), Inah Kim (Hanyang University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea), George Leveridge (Jamaica Constabulary Force,

Jamaica), Shuang Li (National Institute for Occupational Health and Poison Control, China), Elizabeth Linos (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Ed Mantler (Mental Health Commission of Canada), Angela Martin (University of Tasmania, Australia), Christina Maslach (University of California- Berkeley, USA), Álvaro Roberto Crespo Merlo (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), María Elisa Ansoleaga Moreno (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile), Reiner Rugulies (National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark), Godfrey Zari Rukundo (Mbara University of Science and Technology, Uganda), Kamalesh Sarkar (National Institute of Occupational Health, India), Vandad Sharifi (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran), João Silvestre da Silva-Junior (São Camilo University Center, Brazil), JianLi Wang (Dalhousie University, Canada), Mohammad Taghi Yasamy (Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran) and Dieter Zapf (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany). Representatives of their respective organizations and key stakeholders were: Melissa Pitott (Core Humanitarian Standard [CHS] Alliance); Sarah Copsey, Julia Flintrop (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work [EU-OSHA]); Olga Kalina, Guadalupe Morales Cano (European Network of (Ex)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry [ENUSP]); Claudia Sartor (Global Mental Health Peer Network [GMHPN]); Madeline A. Naegle (International Council of Nurses [ICN]); Pierre Vincensini (International Organisation of Employers [IOE]); Rory O’Neill (International Trade Union Confederation [ITUC]); Victor Ugo (Mentally Aware Nigeria Initiative [MANI]); Miguel R. Jorge (World Medical Association [WMA]); and Rose Boucaut, Salam Alexis Gomez, Jepkemoi Joanne Kibet, Norma Elisa Gálvez Olvera, Claudia Patricia- Rojas Silva (World Physiotherapy [WP]). WHO also extends its thanks to the World Health Professions Alliance for supporting the identification of its members, in particular Helen von Dadelszen and Howard Catton. Evidence review, synthesis and supporting evidence teams: Thanks are extended for the large efforts of the evidence review and synthesis teams: Hideaki Arima, Yumi Asai, Yui Hidaka, Mako Iida, Kotaro Imamura, Mai Iwanaga, Yuka Kobayashi, Yu Komase, Natsu Sasaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Reiko Inoue, Akizumi Tsutsumi (Kitasato University School of Medicine, Japan), Hisashi Eguchi, Ayako Hino, Akiomi Inoue (University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan), Yasumasa Otsuka (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Asuka Sakuraya (Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan), Akihito Shimazu (Keio University, Japan), Kanami Tsuno (Kanagawa University of Human Services, Japan); Taylor Braund, Richard Bryant, Jasmine ChoiChristou, Mark Deady, Nadine Garland, Aimee Gayed, Sam Haffar, Sophia Mobbs, Katherine Petrie, Jessica Strudwick (University of New South Wales, Australia); Arpana Amarnath, Pim Cuijpers, Eirini Karyotaki, Clara Miguel (Vrije University, WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Dissemination of Psychological Interventions, Netherlands); Liam O’Mara, Kathleen Pike, Adam Rosenfeld, Hikari Shumsky (Columbia University, WHO Collaborating Centre for Capacity Building and Training in Global Mental Health, USA). Members of the supporting evidence teams were: Rachel Lewis, Fehmidah Munir, Alice Sinclair, Jo Yarker (Affinity Health at Work, United Kingdom); Promit Ananyo Chakraborty, Vanessa Evans, Raymond Lam, Jill Murphy (University of British Columbia, Canada) and Andrew Greenshaw, Jasmin Noble (University of Alberta, Canada). Thanks are also extended to Christy Braham (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing, [WIEGO]) for support during the development of supporting evidence for the informal economy.


Financial support: WHO gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by the Wellcome Trust for the development of the guidelines.